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Geo Thema Germany Ofelia de Pablo Javier Zurita

“The End of the Lies” GEO GERMANY

We are pleased to let you know that  GEO Germany, in its special issue “Big Questions’ Hunters” reports our work on violence against women. Our story “The End of the Lies” by Ofelia de Pablo and Javier Zurita Tenemos el placer de anunciar que GEO Alemania en su nĂºmero especial ‘Cazadores de las Grandes Preguntas’ se hace eco de nuestro […]

Burma, sexual violence against women. Women under Siege Project, New York

Two women await care at the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Center in Yangon. HIV/AIDS is just one consequence of sexualized violence in Burma, where fallout also includes injury to reproductive organs, depression, shame, and, in some cases, drug addiction. (Ofelia de Pablo and Javier Zurita) Burma  To begin chronicling the history of sexualized violence in Burma, you have to go […]