Blog Archives

Spain, European capital of prostution for THE OBSERVER MAGAZINE UK
Our story for The Observer Magazine and The Guardian UK with Annie Kelly.

Premier of our new European Campaing for WWF #SharingtheLand
Happy to share with you our premier screening of our new short documentary film project Sharing the Land at the great MONTPHOTO FESTIVAL! Our new documentary film Sharing the Land for WWF is part of a European Campaing that will be launched in January. Is coexistance possible between large carnivores and humans?

Night premiere screening of our documentary films in CINETECA with RNE3 and CANON
Thanks everyone to share last night our premiere screening at Cineteca, Matadero in Madrid. We love you all! Special thanks to Javier Tolentino and his wonderful radio program “EL Séptimo Vicio”. Great interview and lovely evening :):):) You can hear also the complete interview here: Ofelia de Pablo and Javier Zurita, new storytellers Gracias a todos por regalarnos ayer la […]
El Congo RD, el genocidio del sXXI emitido en Channel 4 News UK
Nuestras imágenes emitidas en el Channel 4 News UK. Haz cilck en este enlace para ver el video: El genocidio del Congo, reportaje emitido por Channel 4 News UK CSI trabajando en las fosas comunes del Congo RD (c)Ofelia de Pablo/Javier Zurita Rwanda condemns UN ‘genocide’ Congo report Filmmakers Ofelia de Pablo and Javier Zurita filmed the first training in […]